Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Cab Setting Part I, Making the Bezel

I made a tutorial for a Jewelry forum I belong to. Here is the link
click here.
Tools you need: torch, cross pliers, tweezers, copper or plastic tongs for pickle, 3 step pliers (last setting isn't bad to get the bezel rounder, or a mandrel size 4.1 mm or knitting needle, scissors or Xuron cutters... charcohol block, container of water (in case you set yourself, other objects on fire).

4mm cab (this one is a sapphire) and small fine silver bezel wire or 26ga fine silver sheet and you can cut your own bezel wire

Cut the bezel wire with scissors, or cutters, a little longer than you need 2mm is a good idea. Shape the bezel wire around the cab, fiddle and fiddle and fiddle with it, till you drop it on the floor, then swear....

Then file and file and file, 1/2" round file is so handy.... 0, 1/0, and 2/0 sandpaper (I got this cool trick from my metalsmithing teacher, Dominique to put on paint stir stick)

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